November 28, 2009

The school is not old

John Dowker and Dane Beardsley. No one is ready for this combo.


ortho said...

what is the trick called that you're doin Dane?

Same Thing Daily said...

It is called a power mower I think. People did it back in the day. They did it standing on the frame most of the time I think. I'm not to sure about it...

ortho said...

hot pose trick!

Same Thing Daily said...

All these tricks were pulled!

Dan conkrite Humes said...

I beat this damned high security word game code just to second guess the authenticity of these photographs.

wouldnt Same Thing Daily 2 still be Same thing Daily? I mean...if you go to church lets say on Sunday and monday it still mine as well be Sunday. Ya dig?

I kind of like the thought "Same Thing Dali: Party In An Orange toga"

ortho said...

i meant "pose trick" to be those stall kind of trix, rather than the pogo'in, rollin, or scuffin stuff. You gotta have a few in your repertoire! My go-to is the no footed endo.

BTW y'r FFuel calendar photo is fresh; looks like you're about to pimp-slap a ghost.

Same Thing Daily said...

Good talk people. I'm happy to hear all of your words. We don't care about caring much about thinking we care about people caring about us caring.