January 2, 2010


this is where the model t was made

Detroit was once an manufacturing powerhouse. Pumping out cars in an era when America first fell in love with the automobile. The town was alive with good jobs and smog. A person growing up in south east Michigan could graduate high school and get a job working for Ford, GM, or Chrysler for 20+$ an hour putting doors or windows on a car.

These factories would have 3 shifts with 1,000 people on each shift. Multiply that times 3 and include all the people who cut the hair, cook lunch, and winterize the boats of the workers at those plants and that's a lot of jobs.

Most of those jobs are gone now and many people have moved away from Detroit. There is not point to this story. It's just a story.

this is 1 block away from where the model t was made


a shut down school. no kids no schools


the south side of detroit still makes steel


it's funny that smoke stakes pumping out smoke are a good sign in detroit now. they mean jobs.

Check out this for some wild photos of nature taking back Detroit houses



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeff Foster: If this had not happened the movie 8 Mile would've been totally different.